Put money back in YOUR pocket!
With rising gas prices, compressed natural gas is a fantastic way to save your hard earned cash!
CNG is the lowest priced fuel available right now. In fact, in some area’s of the country, it’s as low as $.88 a GGE (which stands for Gasoline Gallon Equivalent). What does that mean to you? Well, let’s say your car already gets 30 mpg on gasoline. If you switched to CNG, that would be similar to jumping from 30 mpg to 90 mpg, because of the low cost of the fuel–you’d only be spending a third of the cost for CNG.
In Utah, the average price per GGE is $1.50, but in many areas of the country the cost of natural gas in regulated. That means the prices at the pump are kept low. Good news for all of us!
CNG COMPLETE has access and uses the very best conversion kits, pumps and has extensive experience to walk you through the entire process. All it takes is a phone call to get the ball rolling. Even if you’re just trying to do research about CNG, use this site as a tool and call us when you’re ready for a bid on your vehicle.
Talk to you soon!